The Emotional Text Analysis (AET) is a methodology of analysis that consents, from the texts produced by the various components of an organization or a social group, to highlight the collusive dimensions that characterize the local culture of that organization or social group, in relation to the themes dealt with by the text itself. For the analysis of AET a knowledge of the unconscious mental system and its relationship with language is needed; in particular with regard to the dense words that mark the emotional dynamic, within the text. This work proposes, as a guideline for the analysis of the unconscious components of language, in the dream and in AET, the reduction of the polysemy intrinsic to single dense words, possible with the progressive meeting of dense words themselves. Carli, R. (2018). Inconscio, culture locali e linguaggio: Linee guida per l’Analisi Emozionale del Testo (AET) [Unconscious, local cultures and language: Guidelines for the Emotional Text Analysis (AET)]. Rivista di Psicologia Clinica, 2,7-33.doi:10.14645/RPC.2018.2.739